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17 July, 2021


How Minuscule Quantity Works

Some researches on Homoeopathic medicines provide some ideas about how minuscule quantities or microdoses work. However, more scientific research has to be carried out for a thorough understanding of the issue. Unfortunately nobody seems to care or think about this. We furnish below excerpts from published reports which give clear proof that microdoses or minuscle quantities work. I hope and pray that soon somebody would take up this important work in right earnest.

1. Excerpt from an article by Dr.Peter Fisher in the British Journal of Homoeopathy, which was reprinted in the Homoeopathic Heritage, Oct.1988:-

“On 30 June 1988 issue of Nature, the leading international scientific journal (more than 100 years old and is from the House of Macmillans), published an important scientific paper, dealing with Homoeopathy. The paper was signed by a large team of scientists led by Prof.Jacque Benveniste, a biologist, of the highly-regarded French National institute for Scientific Research in Medicine (INSERM). 

Prof.Benveniste and a team of 13 Canadian, Israeli and Italian scientists have discovered that a Molecule diluted until it no longer exists can behave as if it was still there, and that the diluted liquid retains the molecule’s “memory”. The discovery, Which upsets all established molecular knowledge, is so surprising to the Scientific community that the team has been trying to disprove its own finding for three years, but has kept returning to the same result.

This discovery defies current scientific understanding, because of this and mindful of its reputation as the number one scientific journal, Nature was extremely reluctant to publish it. The first version of the paper was submitted to Nature in 1985. Nature’s experts demanded repetitions by other independent laboratories and elaborate precautions against mistakes, error and fraud. As a result, after three years, the research has now been repeated in six reputable independent laboratories in four countries (France, Italy, Israel and Canada) with elaborate precautions - and the conclusions repeatedly confirmed!”

Excerpt from Mr. Rm R Rajasekaran's blog:
Managing Director, RMR Silks P Ltd, 123, M.M.St,  Karaikudi-630001, Tamilnadu, India

To be continued.....

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