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01 July, 2018

Home Remedies-2: Leafy Greens For Better Clotting And Higher Platelet Count

Leafy Greens For Better Clotting And Higher Platelet Count

Leafy greens contain Vitamin K, which is known to help people with low platelet disorder. In fact, in one study of people with platelet disorder, almost 27 percent of those who tried vitamin K as a treatment found improvement in their platelet counts and nearly 8 percent experienced sustained results. What’s more, it helped improve bleeding symptoms by aiding clotting.4 With bleeding being a very real concern for those with very low platelet counts, you may do well to increase your intake of foods rich in vitamin K.

Some vitamin K-rich foods you could try are turnip greens or kale – half a cup of the greens each give you 425 mcg and 550 mcg of the vitamin. Spinach has 444 mcg in half a cup. Collard greens and beet greens have 530 and 350 mcg in the same serving size.5 All these greens work well in salads or even soups. Alternatively, create delicious stir-fry meals or serve them blanched or roasted as sides with your mains. Try and get in a couple of serves through smoothies or at main meals.

Source: Not known

From Personal Experience:

My nephew came down with serious platelet count. He was advised hospitalisation and blood transfusion, to prevent serious consequences.  Before that somebody suggested a home remedy, which he tried. Five papaya leaves were washed and then juice was extracted from them. He took the juice. When he went for medical check up, to the surprise of everybody the platelet count has gone up to a safe level. Hospitalisation and other treatments became unnecessary.  

In dengue fever also this dropping of platelet count occurs, which when not treated properly has led to the death of many.

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