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16 February, 2021


Clinical Tips on Homoeopathic Management of Diabetes with Dose and Potency (Part 1)

1. Diabetes with calculi/inflammation/tumour of pancreas = Iris versicolor Q
2. Diabetes with creatinine high, kidney affections = Chimaphila Q
3. Diabetes with delayed/non healing ulcer = Secale cor Q, Syzygium Q (Syz Q external also)
4. Diabetes with emaciation = Syzygium Q, Argentum met 3x
5. Diabetes with fatty stool (fatty pancreas) = Iodum 3x
6. Diabetes with frothy urine = Chionanthus Q
7. Diabetes with frothy urine (prostate affections) = Carbolic acid Q
8. Diabetes with herpes, c/c malaria, urine sugar high = Grindelia Q
9. Diabetes with hysteria = Borax 3x, Moschus 3x (Ignatia 1M as IC)
10. Diabetes with impaired memory, giddiness, thirst more, appetite less, burning = Cephalandra Q

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