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02 December, 2020


( *copperhead snake* )

Hyperactive Physical 
Both sided
*Entry points* 
􀀀 *Lachesis + Arsenic-album* 
Similar to Lachesis but chilly and anxious like Arsenic-album.

Like Arsenic-album, it has dyspnoea, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small
quantities of water, necessity for having clothing loose, like Lachesis. [ *Boericke* ]

 *MIND* :-
-Females who do not like to do house work, refuse to cook at home, wants to do outside jobs, avoids routine and domestic work, but they do not  mind cooking some delicacies at home. [ *Vijayakar* ]

    *RUBRIC :- DUTY  aversion to domestic (3)*    1 cench, 1 cit-l, 1 sul-i

-Hatred for parents, do not care for parents, no attachment for children or  parents. They have attachment to themselves; selfishness and ungrateful people. [Vijayakar]
-Alternating moods (Crocus sativa).
-Absent minded. 

    *RUBRIC :-  FORGETFULNESS  going, of where he is* (2)  1 cench, 2 merc
   *RUBRIC :-   SUSPICIOUSNESS, everyone, to* (1)   1 cench

- Fear to go to sleep; fear to suffocate during sleep.
- Desire for affection

 *RUBRIC :-   DEATH presentiment of  sudden death, of a* (1) 2 cench
-Sexual desire, violent
-Stops breathing on going to sleep
-After lying down, suffocating feeling came over her, Frequent sighing

-Sleep and dreams, Horrible, Vivid, Animals, Rape

-Unusually sound sleep during entire night
Prevented from sleeping from thinking of dream of the previous night.

-Drunken people, Dead people, Naked people, of rape, animal sex Indecent conduct, Male animals following her in the field to injury her
# *DREAM* :- 

 **DREAMS animals, of  copulating* (1) 1 cench

 *DREAMS animals, of  snakes  bitten by, of being* (4) 1 bov, 1 cench, 1 med, 1 ozone

 *DREAMS body, body parts teeth pulled out, being* (2)    1 cench, 1 nat-m

 *DREAMS men  naked* (3) 1 cench, 1 eupi, 2 puls

 *DREAMS nakedness, about* (5) 1 androc, 1 cench, 1 erech, 1 kali-p, 1 rumx

 *DREAMS rape* (5)  2 cench, 1 kreos, 1 lap-gr-m, 1 petr, 1 sep

 *DREAMS rape  pursued for the purpose of* (2) 2 cench, 1 kreos

 *DREAMS rape  seeing, of* (1) 2 cench

 *DREAMS rape  that he has committed** (4)  2 cench, 1 kreos, 1 petr, 1 sep

 *DREAMS rape  threats of* (2)   1 cench, 1sep

*Physical* :-  
-Tight clothing intolerable.
-Nausea better by ice; aggravated by water which causes vomiting
-Difficult empty swallowing, but easy swallowing of solids and liquids.
 *Throat, mucus* :- full of mucus, hawking thick, tough, stringing mucus, difficult to raise 

 *Rule out* 
-If the child has interest in studies or helps parents in their work.
-If the child wears sober clothes and not interested in fashionable clothes.

- *Lachesis* 
Lachesis is nearest, but affects left ovary more than right; Cenchris has
difficult empty swallowing with easy swallowing of solids and liquids;
Lachesis can swallow solids but not liquids.
- *Arsenic-album* 
Both have anxiety felt in region of heart, death presentiment of, fear death of sudden, anxiety bed in, anxiety evening aggravates bed in, dreams frightful, restlessness, suspiciousness.

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