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13 September, 2020




502,545 views•Jun 13, 2020


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How To Get Rid of Mucus and Phlegm in Your Lungs? Want clear lungs and easier breathing?

💥Check Out the Full Guide Here


️1. Take the Right Medications

The most effective way to get rid of mucus and phlegm is to take the medications that are prescribed directly by your doctor. This is especially true for those who have underlying respiratory conditions, such as asthma, COPD, or bronchiectasis. But if you’re looking for other means, some over the counter medications may be helpful as well.


️ 2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

You probably grew up hearing your parents tell you to drink plenty of water every time you were sick or had a cold. It may sound cliche, but they were 100% correct because it actually does help improve the functionality of pretty much all the major systems of the body.


️ 3. Take a Hot Bath or Shower

In this case, the main benefit of taking a hot bath or shower is to inhale the steam that is produced by the warm water. Steam acts as a natural way to help break up and get rid of mucus and phlegm. Gently breathe in and out as the aerosol particles enter your airways and lungs.


️ 4. Practice the Deep Coughing Technique

Deep coughing is an effective technique that can be used to get rid of phlegm and mucus. As opposed to a hacking cough that basically only clears the throat, deep coughing is more effective for clearing the lungs. Begin by taking a deep breath in and hold it for 2-3 seconds.


️ 5. Try the Huff Coughing Technique

Huff coughing is a forced expiration technique that is an alternative to deep coughing and is also useful in getting rid of mucus and phlegm. All you have to do is take a breath that is slightly deeper than your normal tidal volume breath. Use your diaphragm and the muscles in your stomach to make a series of three rapid exhalations with an open airway.


️ 6. Breathe Humidified Air

In general, breathing dry air can irritate the nose and throat and make it difficult to remove mucus and phlegm. You can use a cool-mist humidifier to alleviate dryness and add humidity to the air that you're breathing. By breathing in the humidified air, this helps loosen up secretions which make them easier to be removed by coughing.


️ 7. Use Vapor Rubs

Vapor rubs aren’t meant to cure the problem but they can provide short-term relief. They contain ingredients such as menthol and eucalyptus oil that help to soothe chest and breathing congestion. You can apply the rub directly to your throat or chest in order to relieve the stuffy feeling caused by excess mucus and phlegm.


️ 8. Keep Your Allergies Under Control

Not only can seasonal allergies cause a runny nose, itchy throat, and watery eyes, they can also cause excessive amounts of mucus and phlegm to build up as well. So keeping your allergies in check is a no-brainer. Make sure that you’re using your typical prescription or over the counter allergy medications in order to alleviate these symptoms.


️ 9. Eat Foods That Are Good for the Respiratory System

Anecdotal studies have shown that certain foods and drinks can be effective in getting rid of mucus and phlegm. Take spicy foods, for example. Spices such as chili and cayenne pepper contain substances that help clear up the sinuses. This can help make removing secretions much easier by blowing your nose or coughing.


️ 10. Use an Airway Clearance Device

It can be challenging to eliminate excess phlegm and mucus from the lungs in conditions such as COPD, bronchiectasis, and cystic fibrosis. This is when an airway clearance device may come in handy. The most common types of these devices are handheld and come with a mouthpiece. You can simply create a firm seal and blow into the device against resistance.


Grateful thanks to RESPIRATORY THERAPY ZONE and YouTube 

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