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28 June, 2018

Auto Urine Therapy(AUT)-13: A case of Leukaemia

Youth aged 20, was diagnosed by the Erskine Hospital (now Rajaji Govt Hospital), Madurai, as having myloid leukaemia in December 2001. The patient had the following apparent symptoms with the disease: fever with chillness, loss of appetite, emaciation of body and muscular pain. His T.C. was 1.5 lakhs/c.m.m. He took allopathy treatment for three months without any improvement. Finally, he was advised bone marrow transplanation.

At this stage he came to me. On my advice, he stopped all the medication and started practising AUT. Amazingly, from the very next improvements started: fever disappeared; appetite improved; muscular pain also disappeared; Gradually, the T.C. also started decreasing. After three months, T.C. was perfectly normal. For more than 5 years, he was in good health without any problem. As he was not having any visible complaint, unfortunately he stopped AUT during the middle of 2006. During Feb.2007, he started bleeding through the nose. T.C. was checked and found to be 2.5 lakhs. Then he tried other treatments. He has not been practicing AUT for nearly 18 months and it did not occur to him to try it again. He passed away tragically on June 17, 2007. This is a point to be noted by all who follow AUT, especially patients with chronic and killer diseases. These people should not stop AUT on any account. If they do, they run the risk of recurrence of the disease. It is inferred that some chronic and killer diseases even though disappear from the surface, may remain dormant. It takes a long time to get rid of them totally. Patience and perseverance on the part of the patient is a must.

Grateful thanks to Mr.RM.R.Rajasekaran. Excerped from his blog (with his permission):

AUT : Natural Way to Health and Happiness

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