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31 March, 2021
30 March, 2021
29 March, 2021
27 March, 2021
22 March, 2021
21 March, 2021
*Important Message for all*
The hot water you
drink is good for your throat.
But this Corona
virus is hidden behind the
Paranasal sinus of your nose for 3 to 4 days.
The hot water we
drink does not reach there.
After 4 to 5 days
this virus that
was hidden behind the
paranasal sinus reaches your lungs.
Then you have trouble breathing.
That's why it is very important to take steam inhalation, which reaches the back of your Paranasal sinus.
You have to kill this virus in the nose with steam.
At 50°C, this virus becomes disabled i.e. paralyzed.
At 60°C this virus becomes so weak that any human immunity
system can fight against it.
At 70°C this virus dies completely.
This is what steam does.
One who stays at home should take steam at least once a day.
If you go to the market to buy Groceries vegetables etc, take it twice a day.
Anyone who meets
some people or goes to office
should take steam 3 times a day.
*Steam week*
According to doctors,
Covid -19 can be killed by
inhaling steam from the nose and mouth,
eliminating the Coronavirus.
If all the people
started a steam drive campaign for a week,
the pandemic will soon end.
So here is a suggestion:
* Start the process for a week from
morning and evening, for
just 5 minutes
each time,
to inhale steam.
If we all adopt this practice for a week the deadly
Covid-19 will be erased.
This practice has no side effects & doesn't cost anything either.
So please send this message to all your Loved Ones, relatives,
friends and neighbours,
so that we all can kill this
Corona virus together and live and walk freely
in this beautiful world.
*Thank you*
20 March, 2021
19 March, 2021
17 March, 2021
16 March, 2021
15 March, 2021
14 March, 2021
13 March, 2021
12 March, 2021
11 March, 2021
10 March, 2021
1. Face red congested - *Belladonna*
2. Old men's look - *Argent Nit*
3. Childish face -
4. Frightened look - *Aconite*
5. Hippocrates death like face - *Arsenic Alb. Vrat. Alb*.
6. Oedema, Bag like swelling under the eyes - *Apis Mel*
7. Oedema, Bag like swelling in upset eyelids - *Kali Carb*
8. Oedema of upper and lower eyelids - *Phosphorus*
9. Chloasma - *Caulophyllum, Sepia*
10. Eyelids dropping with fever - *Gelsemium*
11. Eyelids dropping without fever - *Caisticum*
12. Squint - convergent - *Cicuta, Cyclamen*
13. Squint - Divergent - *Nat Mur*
14. Eyes red without lachrymation - *Belladonna*
15. Eyes - *Nux Vom*
16. Continue salavati on - *Merc Sol*
17. Idiotic face, lips thick mouth open droping of salika - *Baryta carb*
18. Always picking the nose - *Cina*
19. Boring finger in the nostrils untill it bleeds - *Arum Triphyllum*
20. Nail biting - *Arum Triphyllum*
21. Lips black - *Arsenic Alb, China*
22. Lower Lips cracked in center - *Nat Mur*
23. Hair above upper lips in female - *Sepia*
24. Hair on chin in female - *Oleum Jec*
25. Hair on face - *Thuja*
26. Standing is worse position can't stand without support - *Sulphur*
27. Ladies sit with crossed legs without swxual desire - *Sepia*.
28. Ladies sit with crossed legs with excessive sex desire - *Murex*
29. Ladies press vulvae with hand - *Lilium Tig*
30. Fatty person, lower part of the body fatty - *Lycopodium*
31. Fatty whole body fatty - *Calc Carb*
32. Lean and thin child but active and intelligent - *Tubercullinum*
33. Lean and thin child with much appetite - *Iodum*
34. Lean and thin child with bot bellied - *Cina*.
35. Weeping child can't stay on the bed always wants carry. - *Chamomilla*
36. Child always to carried and shaking him - *Cina*
37. Child wants many things but rejects it - *Cina*
38. Marasmus of legs - *Abrotanum*
39. Paralysis of neck child can't holed his head - *Nat Mur*
40. Girls sit close to the doctor, can't say complaint without weeping - *Pulsatilla*
41. Talks in rhyme and phrases - *Antim Crud*
42. Constant yawns - *Amyl Nit*.
43. Constant stretching for hours - *Amyl. Nit*.
44. Dullness, dizziness drowsiness - *Gelsemium*
45. Always sleepy with great dryness of mouth - *Nux Mos*
46. On rising from a recumbent position the red face become pale - *Aconite*
47. Restless, fear of death, drinks large quantity of water at short interval. - *Aconite*
48. Restless too weak to move with thirst of little water at short interval. - *Arsenic Alb*
49. Talks of business in delirium - *Bryonia*
50. During Coughing pt holds the chest - *Bryonia*
*Dr. Roshan Singraur*
*Dr. Nalla Atman Hahnemann*
09 March, 2021
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