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31 December, 2018
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19 December, 2018
18 December, 2018
16 December, 2018
HEALTH HAZARDS-20: Wrong Food is the Root Cause of All Diseases
Wrong Food is the Root Cause of All Diseases |
Subah Jain
Satvic Movement
Published on Feb 3, 2018
Wrong food is the root cause of all diseases -
Nature Cures You #1
If you're suffering from a health problem, be it
big or small, all you'll hear from the media or from doctors is, "take
this drug or that drug" "pop a pill and make yourself feel better
again". Sure, drugs do take the symptoms away. But, every time you stop
taking them, the problem re-appears, isn't it? And every time it re-appears, it
gets much worse than it was in the first place. That's because medicines SUPPRESS,
not CURE. They do not remove the root of the problem. In this video, I discuss
that wrong food is the root cause of all diseases.
Grateful thanks to Satvic Movement, Ms Subah Jain
and YouTube.
14 December, 2018
13 December, 2018
Food and Health-1: 5 Foods That Boost Brain Power And Memory
5 Foods That Boost Brain Power And Memory
Natural Remedies
Published on Jan 1, 2018
5 Foods That Boost Brain Power And Memory
If someone told you in advance that just by
adding a few ingredients to your daily diet that you could sharpen your
thinking and prevent many of the memory problems that seem to come with
advancing age, would you change your diet? Of course you would! Well now you
have that chance. This is a list of the top 5 items you can add to your diet
that will give nourishment to those neurons, reduce inflammation, keep those
memory pathways open, improve brain sharpness, memory and brain power.
Grateful thanks to "Natural Remedies" and YouTube.
Food and Health
11 December, 2018
10 December, 2018
09 December, 2018
07 December, 2018
Eyecatchers-6: Alternative Medicine in France
In France, the use of "complementary and alternative medicine" - such as hypnosis or acupuncture - is on the rise. According to a survey, 58 percent of French people turned to them in 2017:
06 December, 2018
05 December, 2018
04 December, 2018
02 December, 2018
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