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31 August, 2008
Health Tips-27: "To Prevent Wrinkles"
Drink lots of water.
Take a good diet of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Take Vitamin A.
Practice Relaxation Techniques.
Stop frowning too much.
Reduce intake of oily and fatty foods.
Reduce or avoid intake of sweets, particularly chocolates.
Wikipedia article on "WRINKLES":
Grateful thanks to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
28 August, 2008
Health Warnings-8: "SUGAR, A Sweet Poison"
One of the causes of good health of our ancestors was the absence of white sugar in their diet. They maintained health and energy because they obtained as much fructose as they wanted from raw food, vegetables and fruits. Professor John Yudkin of England has minutely studied the effects of sugar in human body. He states that there is no physiological requirement of sugar. The calories and energy required for the body are easily available from fruits, vegetables and grains.
The consumption of huge amount of white sugar has led to diseases like dental decay and caries, diabetes, cardiac trouble and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The reckless use of sugar leads to migraine, dermatitis and renal disorders. Moreover, sugar increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol accumulates in the inner surface of the arteries which consequently become narrow and hard. The heart has to work vigorously to push blood into such narrow arteries. Consequently, the heart becomes exhausted and weak. Sometimes it fails.
Excerpt from Juice-Diet for Perfect Health, Drs D R Gala, Dhiren Gala and Sanjay Gala, Navneet Publications (India) Ltd, Mumbai.
(A wonderful book for people who would like to follow Juice Therapy. The price is also very, very cheap compared to the content, an evidence that it is published with service motive. I strongly recommend this book to all health-conscious people.)
Health Facts-5: "Lack of Sanitation"
How To-79: "How to Implement Organic Baby Care Methods"
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Are you interested in making organic choices for your baby or toddler but not sure where to begin? Making small changes to remove unnecessary toxins from your baby's environment can have a big impact on your baby's well-being. Here are some steps to help you ease your way into an organic lifestyle with your little one.
- Understand the labels. Making organic choices is simple when you know how to read the labels. Don't be confused by fancy marketing terms such as "all natural", "hypoallergenic" or "no growth hormones". Organic is the only term that is regulated.
- Choose a product that is certified organic. This means the manufacturer has taken extra precautions to ensure the product can bear the seal of approval. In the US certified organics contain no pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers, growth hormones, food additives, fertilizers or sewage sludge.
- Start with your baby's food. Choose organic milk or formula and then expand to cereal, produce and meat. This will hep you avoid genetically modified foods, growth hormones and chemical additives.
- Get rid of chemical-based baby skin care products. Approximately 60% of what goes on your baby's skin is absorbed into the bloodstream within minutes. Read the labels of all lotions, shampoos and body care products. Replace products with unfamiliar chemicals for those made from food or plant based ingredients.
- Choose diapering products free of chlorine, fragrances and pesticides. In most cases your baby has a diaper on 24 hours a day, its . Explore the many options available in cloth diapers, flushables and chlorine-free disposables and choose the one that fits your lifestyle.
- Assess your baby's sleep environment. Your baby spends a lot of time in the bed those first few months. Incorporate organic cotton, wool or bamboo materials in the selection of your baby's crib sheet, mattress or mattress topper to prevent your baby from inhaling noxious chemicals during sleep.
- Do an inventory of your baby's clothing. Remove polyester, fleece and clothing made with heavy, starchy fabric finishes. Pure cotton is a healthier alternative and organic cotton is even healthier because it is free of potentially carcinogenic pesticides. Hemp and bamboo fabrics don't involve the use of pesticides and are also healthy alternatives.
- Learn about the materials that go in your baby's mouth. Soon there will be non-toxic and organic versions of everything. What you need depends on your baby's development stage. Baby bottles, pacifiers, teethers, toys and furniture can all be made of natural, non-toxic materials which are better for your baby.
- Pace yourself and start with the areas that come in closest contact with your baby for the longest periods of time.Trying to make too many changes at once can be overwhelming and expensive.
- Save more by making items from your baby's layette. Clothing, bedding, diaper bags and toys can all be handcrafted with a little guidance and talent.
- Introduce foods one at a time in order to identify potential allergic reactions.
- Avoid using skin care products on babies less than six months old. Always spot test for allergic reactions.
- The above is not intended as medical advice or to replace the information given by a health care provider.
Related wikiHows
- How to Know Which Essential Oils Are Safe for Babies
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Implement Organic Baby Care Methods. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
27 August, 2008
Foods that Heal-6: "Sprouted Wheat Grains"
Health Facts-4: "Value of Sexual Vital Fluid"
When the sexual vital fluid is thrown away in an irresponsible manner, or production is reduced by illness or old age, simultaneously the stock of life-force will become proportionately less. As a result, all the three functions of the Consciousness connected with the (1) Central Nervous System (CNS); (2) Autonomous Nervous Systems (ANS); and (3) Universal Wave will become disturbed and thereby man is rendered weak in potential. Now you know the great value of the sexual vital fluid. One has to store it with care, conserve it with due reverence and expend it creatively with a total perspective awareness to enjoy a healhty, happy, prosperous and blissful life.
If for some reason one decides to lead a celibate life, some special process should be followed under the guidance of a spiritual master. There are some exercises and breathing processes to neutralise the sexual vital fluid and transmute it into spiritual energy. One should not neglect any of the facts explained above.
Over-indulgence in sex will replete the vital fluid and bring the stock to a low level. As a result of the reduction in the stock of life-force, the bio-magnetism will become deficient in intensity. Eventually the health of the body and clarity of the intellect will be the casualty. Over-indulgence in sex will also cause impotency which will result in un told suffering for both the life-partners.
The education in schools and colleges has come to cover a wide range of subjects from Health to Computer Technology but the importance of Sexual Education is undreestimated and overlooked. Karma Yoga includes sex education to a full extent.
"KARMA YOGA : The Holistic Unity"
26 August, 2008
Health Tips-26: "To Reduce Stress"
2. Do Deep Breathing Exercises
3. Practice regularly Relaxation Techniques like listening to therapeutic music.
Courtesy: The Hindu, Sunday Magazine, April 13, 2008.
Grateful thanks to The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Health News-15: "1 in 10 US adults suffer "silent" strokes"
Health News-14: "Mosquito-Repelling T-Shirts"
Courtesy: The Times of India, Chennai, June 30, 2008.
Grateful thanks to The Times of India and Wikipedia, the free encylopedia.
Health Warnings-5: "Top Ten Foods that Cause Allergies"
2. Chocolate
3. Fish
4. Cashewnut
5. Legumes
6. Soya Bean
7. Lemon
8. Milk
9. Wheat
10. Chicken
Courtesy: Times News Network, The Times of India, Chennai, June 30, 2008.
Wikipedia article on "Food Allergy":
Grateful thanks to The Times of India and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Health Facts-3: "High Blood Pressure"
22 August, 2008
Health Tips-25: "Backache"
Excerpt from “Nature Cure for Common Diseases”
By Vithaldas Modi
Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi
Pages 197
Price: Rs.20/- (1988)
(A great book and a must for those who would like to follow Nature Cure and prefer to treat themselves).
Health News-13: Round-faced and aggressive
Courtesy: The Hindu, Madurai, August 21, 2008 (“Newscape”).
Wikipedia article on “Testosterone”:
Grateful thanks to The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Health News-12: "Daily 7000 Women become HIV+"
21 August, 2008
Health Warnings-5: "Disadvantages of the Animal Protein"
2. The animals do not graze freely or exercise and this increases the saturated fat levels in their flesh.
3. A high-level of meat in the diet is known to cause the loss of many nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, vitamins B3 and B6. It increases free radical activity and acid levels, and it could lead to cancer.
4. Osteoporosis is more prevalent in those eating meat, mostly because of the raised acid levels in the diet. This indirectly causes the loss of bone calcium.
5. Purines, which cause gout, are very high in meat, and they also cause the destruction of healthy bowel micro-organisms which maintain so many important functions.
6. Eating meat does lead to early rapid growth, but equally it causes early rapid aging due to free radical activity and damaged genes.
7. The high protein content of meat calls for a lot of digestive enzymes, which stresses the pancreas. If large quantities of these enzymes have to be produced for digestion then less may be available for the destruction of cancer cells.
8. Menstrual problems are also often due to excessive fat from animal sources, and this can prevent oestrogen clearance from the blood, with consequent PMT problems.
Excerpts from “You don’t have to feel Unwell: Nutrition, Lifestyle, Herbs & Homeopathy” by Robin Needes, published by M/s.B.Jain Publishers P Ltd, Delhi, 325 pages, First Reprint 1995, Price: Rs.90/-.
(A great book; contains a lot of useful information and wealth of details; strongly recommended to all those who wish to maintain perfect health, without depending much on medicines.)
Grateful thanks to Robin Needes and B.Jain Publishers P Ltd, Delhi.
19 August, 2008
Health Warnings-4: “Mass consumption of medicines harms than heals: cardiologist”
Delivering a lecture as part of a series of golden jubilee medical lectures organized by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Dr.Hegde said this medicalisation was a product of the unholy alliance between modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr.Hegde’s talk was on “Life Span, Life Expectancy and Longevity – What is the doctor’s role?” If Caesarian sections represented medicalisat5ion of birth, the artificial prolonging of life with ventilator support was nothing other than the medicalisation of death, he said.
Citing studies and articles from reputed medical journals that critiqued the direction modern medicine was taking, Dr.Hegde said pharmaceutical industry had virtually grabbed the reins of the practice of modern medicine and dictated its direction.
Excerpt from “Mass consumption of medicines harms than heals: cardiologist” by Special Correspondent, The Hindu, Madurai, August 18, 2008.
Grateful thanks to The Hindu.
15 August, 2008
Health News-11: "Letter from the Editor, Homeopathy 4 Everyone"
Last week, I received the following email from its editor. It was painful for me to read the mail. It would be so for any genuine homeopath or persons who have been really benefited by homeopathy. As a great lover of Wikipedia, it was even more painful for me. But then Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, anybody can submit articles on anything and they get continuously edited by other people. What I wonder is can’t some homeopath with authority edit and put forth facts in that Wikipedia article to set right the distortion?
The one good outcome of this is Dr Manish Bhatia, Editor, H4E, has come up with a good idea:
Already in several countries concerted efforts are on to systematically discredit and destroy alternative medical systems, especially homeopathy. I thought I would post it on to my blog so that all readers can read.
Here goes the mail:
On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 6:12 PM,
Dear ……,
Do you know how Wikipedia, the world's most used encyclopedia defines 'Homeopathy'? Read this:
"Claims to the efficacy of homeopathic treatment beyond the placebo effect are unsupported by the collective weight of scientific and clinical evidence,[7][8][9][10] although advocates of homeopathy point to studies of the effects of compounds diluted almost out of existence.[11][12] Common homeopathic preparations are diluted beyond the point where there is any likelihood that molecules from the original solution are present in the final product; the claim that these treatments still have any pharmacological effect is thus scientifically implausible[13][14] and violates fundamental principles of science,[15] including the law of mass action.[15] Critics also object that the number of high-quality studies that support homeopathy is small, the conclusions are not definitive, and duplication of the results, a key test of scientific validity, has proven problematic at best.[16] The lack of convincing scientific evidence supporting its efficacy[17] and its use of remedies without active ingredients have caused homeopathy to be regarded as pseudoscience;[18] quackery;[19][20][21] or, in the words of a 1998 medical review, "placebo therapy at best and quackery at worst."[22]
Do you know that nearly all Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) articles on Wikipedia, including the one that you practice, are heavily biased against CAM therapies? Everything that does not fall into the realm of modern medicine has been labeled as pseudo-scientific or unscientific at Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is among the top 10 websites globally. Through it millions of people who use internet to search for alternative medicine are being systematically exposed to anti-CAM data. At the time when the world is rushing towards alternative medicine, the effort to sabotage the alternative medicine cannot be ignored.
To counter this misinformation, we need a place where the CAM community can build its own knowledge base without the undue interference of skeptics. We need a place where the CAM practitioners themselves write articles and create a true picture of its history, development, efficacy and positive research.
To ensure that the alternative medicine is not discredited or disputed unfairly and to create a true encyclopedia for Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM),, world's leading homeopathy portal, is announcing a parallel wiki project at
We invite you to register at wiki4cam and help us build true information about the CAM modality that you practice.
If you are a School/College of any CAM therapy or if you are a CAM practitioner and if you are concerned about the anti-CAM propaganda, take up the responsibility for creating articles about your CAM therapy at Wiki4CAM. Do not think that someone else will do it. It is YOUR responsibility to actively participate in building a true information base about the CAM modality that your practice and teach!
Please visit now and find out why the CAM community needs to come together and take charge of its own content.
We request you to forward this information about to all you alternative medicine friends practicing Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, TCM, Herbalism, EFT or any other CAM modality. Wiki4CAM is meant for the whole CAM community.
Thank you,
Dr. Manish Bhatia
Health Tips-24: "Benefits of Magnesium"
On the other hand, a high level of good cholesterol (HDL) seems to protect against cardiovascular diseases, and low HDL cholesterol levels (less than 40 mg/dL) increase the risk of heart disease.
To reduce the risk of gallstones, it is now advised to take plant-based foods, fibre, complex carbohydrates and magnesium-rich food.
Schussler’s Biochemic Medicine says magnesium deficiency causes among other things muscular cramps, muscular pains, menstrual pains and hiccough. So biochemic medicine supplements the magnesium deficiency with potentised magnesium phosphate (MP or Mag Phos). In fact, MP is considered to be a wonderful remedy for cramps.
For dysmenorrhoea or difficult menstruation, especially membranous dysmenorrhoea, biochemic medicine generally recommends MP in 6x, 12x or 30x, depending upon age and severity. Case studies reveal great success with MP in such cases.
Depending on other symptoms, one may have to take other biochemic medicines also, along with MP. A good biochemic practitioner should be able to help such patients.
12 August, 2008
How To-78: "How to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables"
How to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Have you ever wanted to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Ever felt like it would be too difficult? Believe it or not, it is actually quite easy.
- Keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand.
- Buy organic produce when possible; it often tastes better.
- Place fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter where you will see it and be reminded to eat it.
- Develop the habit of eating a salad with lunch or dinner.
- Incorporate fruits and vegetables into your favorite recipes. For instance, add diced apples and chopped celery to chicken salad.
- Substitute fruits and vegetables for junk food.
- Use dips to make fruits and vegetables more flavorful. Dip carrots in ranch dressing or apples in peanut butter.
- Take a fruit or vegetable when you leave your house to avoid using vending machines.
- Develop the habit of eating certain fruits and vegetables at certain times of day. For instance, an orange for a mid-morning snack and an apple for an afternoon snack.
- When hosting or attending a social get-together, prepare a vegetable tray to eat before the meal.
- Eat fruit for dessert.
- The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the easier it becomes.
- By eliminating high-fat and high-sugar foods from your diet, it will be easier to acquire a taste for fruits and vegetables.
- Eat organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible to avoid pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified food.
- The USDA recommends eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
- If you have difficulty eating the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, consider taking fruits and vegetables in capsule form.
- Always eat a variety of fruits and vegetables for the maximum health benefits. If you only eat one type of fruit or vegetable, your body will not get all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients it needs.
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- How to Exercise
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Sources and Citations
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Eat More Fruits and Vegatables. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
How To-77: "How to Reduce Your Age With Top 10 Antioxidant Fruits and Vegetables"
How to Reduce Your Age With Top 10 Antioxidant Fruits and Vegetables
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
This article is a stub. You can help by expanding and clarifying it. Notice added on 2006-08-02.
Want to find the healthiest foods? Here's one method.
- Consider ORAC scores of various foods. ORAC refers to the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, an analysis that is used to measure the total antioxidant power of foods and other chemical substances. The higher the ORAC score, the greater its antioxidant capacity. This is a laboratory measurement and its relevance to the diet is unclear. Demonstrating that a substance neutralizes free radicals in a test tube and showing that it prevents some disease are quite different matters. ORAC scores for 3.5 oz (100 ml):
- Mangosteen--------------------20,000
- Acai--------------------------18,400
- Pomegranate-------------------10,500
- Prunes------------------------5,770
- Raisins-----------------------2,830
- Blueberries------------------2,400
- Strawberries----------------1,540
- Raspberries-----------------1,220
- Plums----------------------------949
- Oranges-------------------------750
- Grapes---------------------------739
- Cherries--------------------------670
- Kiwi--------------------------------602
- Kale------------------------------1,770
- Spinach-------------------------1,260
- Brussels Sprouts---------------980
- Broccoli florets-------------------890
- Beets--------------------------------840
- Red Bell Peppers---------------710
- Onions------------------------------450
- Corn----------------------------------400
- Eggplant----------------------------390
- Carrots------------------------------210
Sources and Citations
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Reduce Your Age With Top 10 Antioxidant Fruits and Vegetables. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
How To-76: "How to Choose the Most Important Organic Foods"
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
How many times have you thought "organic foods are too expensive; I can't afford to go organic"? Or maybe you feel it is just too difficult to wade through all the statistics and information on choosing organic foods and the reasons for preferring it over conventionally grown foods. Organic foods are good for you because they are free of many added chemicals and hormones that conventionally grown foods receive as part of the growth cycle. However, it can add up at the cash register to try and keep yourself healthier by eating organic foods. To help you make your decisions in an informed way, here are some simple tips to identify the best choices and stay within budget.
- Understand why organic foods should be an important part of your diet. Organic foods are grown with no or fewer chemical or hormonal additives in their growth cycle than conventionally grown produce and meat. This means that laws on organic labelling in many places ban the use of a wide array of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, hormone treatments, antiobiotics etc. on any produce or meat destined to carry an organic certification.
- Choose the crucial dozen organic foods. The dozen foods listed next are considered to be the foods most vulnerable to the addition of too many pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics etc. This top dozen lists food items where home washing and cooking practices are unlikely to result in reduction of the chemical or hormonal residues:
- Beef, chicken and pork
- Dairy products: Milk, cheese and butter
- Strawberries, raspberries and cherries
- Apples and pears
- Tomatoes
- Spinach and salad greens
- Coffee
- Potatoes
- Stone fruits: Peaches, nectarines and apricots
- Grapes
- Celery
- Peppers (capsicums), green and red
- Shop for seasonal foods. Seasonally available produce is the budget-conscious shopper's prize. Produce in season is always value for money because it is plentiful and this includes organic produce. In addition, seasonal food often travels less distance as it is grown locally and therefore will keep in better condition (more nutrients), for longer. From a comfort perspective, there is something very calming and traditional about eating the way our ancestors have for millennia; you become attuned to the cycle of the seasons. An added bonus: You are less inclined to overfill your fridge with food that ends up going unnoticed, which saves you money.
- Eat in moderation. The statistics on obesity continue to rise. We do not need huge quantities of food; too much food makes our bodies sick rather than healthy and happy. While eating in moderation means eating less food overall, it most certainly does not mean going without and feeling hungry. Change to eating more energy-sustaining foods, such as organic grains andto bulk out your diet. You will not need to eat as much of these foods, as unlike processed foods, you will feel full faster and for longer. Your budget will go further simply through choosing prime quality organic foods in smaller amounts. Most importantly, eating in moderation will result in less intake of chemical and hormonal residues and that can only be a good outcome for everyone.
- Eat variety. Variety means including all those vegetables and not just living off potatoes. The more that you vary your diet within seasonal constraints, there is a higher likelihood that you will have less exposure to a build-up of one type of chemical residues. Variety also means an interesting and fulfilling diet, as well as a greater likelihood that you will get all the nutrients, anti-oxidants and fibre that you need to keep healthy.
- Be realistic. Most nutritionists would still prefer that you eat fruit and vegetables whether they are organic or conventional in origin in preference to highly processed foods. Use the list set out in step 2 to pick the organic foods and then purchase conventional foods for the remainder if you have a tight budget. Taking the simple step of choosing some organics to include in your diet is an important one of taking control over what is potentially affecting your health; whilstyou will still be surrounded by the chemical load of our industrial age, you are taking positive action to help yourself and to encourage organic growers at the same time.
- The "harm" discussed in this article that may arise from eating conventionally grown foods is theoretical. It is possible, but not certain, that pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals or additives may build up over time, particularly in body fat, and result in health problems.
- Be aware that, depending on the jurisdiction in which your foods have been grown, small amounts of certain types of chemicals may have been used on organic produce. In general, if such chemicals have been certified as allowed for use in the organic sector, they ought to be ones considered to safe for human consumption as a result of scientific testing and observations over a very long period of time and to come with a high level of certainty as to their negligible impacts on human beings. If this bothers you still, do your research to find out just what "organic" labels permit in your part of the world. Some organic producers use natural products that they deem safe, but that have not been tested scientifically. Also organic producers may fertilize their crops with animal manures which have not been properly composted. These foods pose a risk for pathogens that can cause serious illness.
- Try to reduce the amounts of processed foods in your diet. You get less nutritional benefits from processed foods, organic or not. *If you really enjoy that cake laden with sugar (yes it is very processed), have it once a month rather than everyday. Then it becomes a blissful treat rather than something taken for granted.
- Always wash vegetables and fruit well; some stores sell special detergents for this. Just because it is labeled organic doesn't mean it is safe to eat without a wash; bacteria thrive under all conditions.
- Some jurisdictions may have more lax laws on what "organic" means. Always do your research first. Read labels carefully; some products try to be organic but contain very little in the way of organic components, such as breakfast cereals. The more processed an item, the more likely it is that you should read the label carefully.
- Be wary of industry propaganda aimed at belittling organic efforts. There are some seriously bad side effects from many of the chemicals and hormones used in our food and where profits are at stake, there is also plenty to discourage you from making healthy choices for you and your family. Do your own research; don't just take this article as gospel either. You are responsible for learning as much as you can about your health and how to protect it.
- Do not confuse organic and natural. The two terms are different, although they may be used on the same item. Natural by itself means nothing; in most places it is an entirely unregulated term that means nothing other than what the manufacturer wants it to mean.
Related wikiHows
- How to Choose Healthy Snacks
- How to Practice Sustainable Agriculture
- How to Avoid the Temptation to Eat Unhealthy Foods
- How to Help Save the Environment
- How to Live a More Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle
- How to Save Your Money and the Environment Too
- How to Be an Earthy Girl
- How to Be an Alternative Girl
Sources and Citations
- These are links to quality sites that will provide more information on organic produce, certification of organic produce, how the organic industry is being run etc.:
-!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?navid=ORGANIC_CERTIFICATIO&parentnav=AGRICULTURE&navtype=RT" rel="nofollow">USDA Organic Certification
-" rel="nofollow">Organic Trade Association - covers USA and Canada; a business based site, it tells you more about what is being done to promote the organic industry in these two countries
-" rel="nofollow">Soil Association - British organic site with many useful resources
-" rel="nofollow">Organic Europe
- [ Australia Certified Organic]
- (
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Choose the Most Important Organic Foods. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
11 August, 2008
Health Tips-23: Fruits for Rainy Season!
Some excerpts from that article:
1. Rains increase the humidity levels and increase the risk of fungal skin infections.
2. Flooded areas and stagnated water lead to proliferation of mosquitoes, which increases the incidence of malaria, dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases.
To supplement our health, fruits rich in phytonutrients (polyphenols) and antioxidants like Jamun, Lychees and Cherries should be taken.
Jamun, the Indian berry, is rich in minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. It also contains a powerful antioxidant called anthocyanins, which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Jamun also lowers blood sugar.
Luchee has anti-cancer properties and is rich in Vitamin C. It is also good source of riboflavin, potassium. Copper and fibre. Lychee has been found to contain the second-higher level of heart healthy polyphenols (antioxidants).
Cherries contain the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants. It is also rich in nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, fibre, folate and beta carotene.
Cherries are also a source of anthocyanidine and ease arthritis pain and gout, diabetes and certain cancers.
Ms Meghna Nanda Dasgupta can be contacted at You can visit her website:
On return to my place, I visited the website. It was tastefully designed. You can also pay a visit to the site and see it for yourself.
Personally, I find all berries: black berries, blue berries, raspberries, strawberries and gooseberries very healthy, though you may not the like the taste of some, if you are like me. Generally, they contain Anthocyanins, Antioxidants, Catechins, Ellagic Acid, Gallic Acid, Phytochemicals, Quercetin, Rutin, Salicylic Acid, Dietary Fiber and Vitamin C. They also have ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). That is why they are good for health. Properties of these nutrients are available in the Fact Sheets from Berry Health Benefits Network ( link furnished below).
Some other related and useful articles:
For an interesting and colorful article on berries from Wikipedia:
‘Fact Sheets on Various Berries’ from Berry Health Benefits Network:
08 August, 2008
Health Tips-22: For 100% Physical Fitness
Eating in Moderation
Eating nutritious and easily digestible food
Total avoidance of Fast Food and Junk Food
Drinking a minimum of 2 litres of water
Minimum six hours sleep
Avoidance of Over-indulgence in anything
Getting up before 6 a.m.
Avoidance of Stimulants and Spicy Food
Fasting for one full day every month
Including plenty of juicy fruits and vegetables in one’s diet and reducing cooked food to the barest minimum
Regular Walk in the morning and evening
Health Tips-21: “To Increase the Strength of the Bone”
Courtesy: Chennai Times, July 25, 2008 (“Toons & Trivia”).
Detailed Wikipedia article on “Bones”:
Grateful thanks to Chennai Times and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Naturopathy-1: "Five Properties of Good Food"
Courtesy: "Iyarkai Maruthuvam' (Naturopathy), Tamil monthly, October 2006.
Health Warnings-3: “Asbestos Roofing Harmful”
Courtesy: “Vent Your Anger”, Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, July 28, 2008
A detailed article on “Asbestos” from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Articles: “Stop Asbestos!”, “ILO to promote global asbestos ban”, “Breathtaking” and “Selling death” from Hazards Magazine. UK:
Article on “The Wittenoom Tragedy” from the site of Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia Inc.
Article on “Asbestos is the UK's biggest workplace killer” from the Trade Union Congress, UK, website:
Article on “Asbestos Deadly Serious – Prevent Exposure!” from European Agency for Safety and Health at Work’s Website:
Article on “Hazardous Materials: Asbestos” from the website of Heggies Pty Ltd, Australia:
Grateful thanks to Mr.K.Aravind, Deccan Chronicle, Hazards Magazine-UK; Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia Inc.; Trade Union Congress, UK; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work; Heggies Pty Ltd, Australia; NBC5; and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
04 August, 2008
Health Tips-20: "High Levels of Outdoor Activity Good for Children!"
02 August, 2008
Health Facts-2: “Diarrhoea"
2. According to the Indian Academy of Paediatrics, there are about 6,00,000 diarrhoeal deaths among children annually in India.
3. The highest mortality from diarrhoea occurs in children under the age of five, highlighting an urgent need for focused interventions to prevent diarrhoeal deaths in India.
4. Diarrhoea is more lethal than war and kills two times as many people.
5. Washing hands with soap and water reduces the risk of diarrhoeal diseases by 47%.
Excerpts from “Be Germ Free” in the Sunday Magazine of The Hindu, April 3, 2005.
Wikipedia articles on:
“Foodborne Diseases”
“Oral Rehydration Therapy”
“Mortality Rate”
Grateful thanks to The Hindu and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Health Warnings-2: "Poisoning"
1. Mosquito Repellents
2. Detergents
3. Antiseptics and
4. Cosmetics.
Courtesy: The Week, May 8, 2005.
Wikipedia articles on:
“List of Extremely Hazardous Substances”
Link to NPIC Webpage at the AIIMS Website:
Grateful thanks to The Week, NPIC, AIIMS and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
01 August, 2008
Health Tips-19: "Camel's Milk and Type One Diabetes"
A study of camel’s milk was carried out at the Bikaner Medical College of Rajasthan. It was found that one litre of camel’s milk contains 53 units of insulin.
People suffering from Type I diabetes can benefit by taking camel’s milk.
It was also found out that certain tribes of Rajasthan are totally free from diabetes as they take camel’s milk on a regular basis.
Further lab experiments on albino rats have confirmed that camel’s milk has curative properties.
‘Kalaimagal’, a Tamil monthly magazine, reports that the Indian Medical Council has recognized the above study.
Courtesy: ‘Kalaimagal’, Tamil monthly magazine, February 2008